Using Facebook to Remember Funny Kid Stuff

Currently, only my older child can talk. And he says some of the funniest things---many of which I post on Facebook because (a) I think others might also thing they're funny; and (b) I don't want to forget!  Today in the car, he was listing everything he wanted to do when he grows of which sounded like "Flying boats under the ground."

Ever wonder if you could download all of your Facebook statuses, for all time?  Wonder no's possible!

Here's how it works: visit and click "Download a copy of your Facebook data." A couple more clicks, and it will start working (they say it takes some time). They'll e-mail when it's ready for download. Fun, fun! Now you can sift through and save those hilarious things your kid said and did...for laughs, for bribery purposes when they're older, whatever.

Have fun!

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