Balcony-Size Water Fun!

Today, in honor of this crazy-hot weather that we've been having (here in Chicago), I thought I'd share a water-play activity spot that I made to fit on our little condo balcony. It's so simple, so cheap, and so much smaller than the water tables that all of you lucky people with backyards can buy! Here's what I did.  [...]

I found two Rubbermaid containers that were a reasonable size for my space. I made sure that each container would lie flat when placed upside-down (no curved edges). These bins also have locking lids, which makes both sides of the finished product function as storage for water toys.

Then I stuck the two containers together with 3M Poster Strips.

That's it. So simple.

Then, add some water toys, sponges, plastic cups, a toddler who loves splashing, constant supervision, and you're done! Also, I learned that it's impossible to keep the water in the container, so I put a rolled-up towel along the edge of the balcony to prevent drips on downstairs neighbors!

Dineen  – (July 4, 2012 at 8:27 AM)  

Saw your comment from Moneysavingmom and followed it over. My little one is 4 now, but still loves the water and we live in an apartment. I love this idea to bring her up off the floor (or ground) a bit more than just a dish pan.

Amber  – (July 4, 2012 at 10:01 AM)  

Thanks! My "little" one is almost 4, too, and still enjoys this. :)

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